Collaborative Law Mental Health Specialist
When going through the collaborative divorce process, your attorney may recommend you retain a mental health specialist to counsel you and your children. These specialists help you come out of your divorce in a better emotional and mental place than you would have otherwise done, assuring you and your children a better future. Although Mental Health Specialists are an extra expense, most people find that since they perform many tasks traditionally done by attorneys and do so for significantly less cost, the expense is justified.
Divorce CoachAs the divorce coach, I help you uncouple your old, dysfunctional relationship by helping you process the emotional part of the break-up and build the skills you need in order to create a respectful divorce and move on with your life. I also help you and your partner learn to communicate better if there are children in the relationship, assist you in learning how to co-parent them together from different homes. I am often invited to the meetings between you and your partner and the attorneys to facilitate communication.
Child SpecialistAs the child specialist, I help the children understand and process their parents’ divorce and act as the children’s voice in developing a parenting plan. I help the parents understand the adjustment needs of their children through this time of change helps the parents learn to co-parent from separate homes.
Family SpecialistA family specialist is a combination of a divorce coach and a child specialist. They help parents uncouple their relationships, co-parent their children from two homes, and create a parenting plan. At the same time, they are available to their children to help them process their parents’ divorce, act as their voice in developing the parenting plan, and help parents understand and intervene in any issues the divorce may have created for their children.
Not covered by insurance
To make an appointment please call (253) - 661 - 0181 |
For more information visit Collaborative Divorce Tacoma and International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.