A Success Group for Bariatric Patients
Due to Telehealth Only appointments, this group
will be held every other Thursday at noon. It will be free so long as it's online. Email me (directions are below) if you'd like to join. Especially designed for Surgical Weight Loss Patients, this group will help you safely discover who you are under the layers of emotional and physical protection that you've created to keep you safe, nurtured, and happy. We'll take a look at:
Since these groups focus on the specific needs of its members the content will vary some between group cycles. Areas that will always be addressed and explored include:
The goal is to identify the old beliefs and habits that have kept you stuck and change them.
The DetailsUntil in person appointments become safe, this group will be held every other Thursday at noon via Zoom. It is free so long as it's held online. If you're interested, please register by emailing [email protected] or (253) 661 - 0181.
To RegisterGroup enrollment is limited so that each member gets the time they need to share and process. If you want to register, simply email [email protected] and let us know you're interested. You will receive an email with registration information.
A Healthier You